Saturday, December 13, 2014

Just a doggerel

(These words were poured on June 2013)

Image credit: Google

Churning inside out; aghast, the sensation

Burning deep down; entrenched to the abyss

In and out of reverie; lurking past the darkness; doodling through the shades

Image credit: Google

Numbness and tingles; abrupt awakening...

Demons arise, threatening the existence

Dizzy and dazed again, the thoughts get plummeted

Prong and ridicule fills the emptiness.......

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Sudden vigor, eyes open, the churning switches back to life

Dulled mind, slashing pain; inferno raises inside.....

Those dreams/reverie; be it ridicule seems the only dodging from the demons so 


Praying another numbness to rattle the thoughts and let the abyss be lost in the shades..

Just a doggerel

Image credit:Google


(These words were poured on March 2013)

Image credit: Google

The moment, strange, cruel
tranquilized with words harsh to heart.

Lies just lies; fake smile
isolated with colors of confusion so bright.

Misunderstanding happens once; or if more twice
but not intensions that is everything but right.

Big words; humongous philosophies
but none to observe; there is nothing in sight.

Same thoughts; same mistakes
yet one forces to put itself in vulnerable light.

The moment, strange; funny
tranquilized with lessons rich for this life!!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Jepp, who defied the stars - Katherine Marsh

After the emotional turmoil of Stieg Larsson trilogy, i wanted to cleanse my mind with something down to earth/ humble and my sister suggested me this creation. Truth be told, the name attracted me (who can resist the stars after all).

A 15 year old dwarf, Jepp, an apple of his mother's eye, is taken to the court of Spanish Infanta with implanted dreams of a better life. He soon discovers his job as a jester; dressed in yellow pie, where humiliation and cruelty engulf his life. The only thing giving him hope is his lady love Lia. But disaster strikes and he ends up losing his love and being imprisoned. Strange sequence of events takes him to Uraniborg (castle of heaven) under the scorching eyes of the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe.  He struggles at first but later meets Magdalene who inspires him. Then the search of his true identity begins and the story ends warming your heart and Jepp defying his stars.

Image credit: Google

A beautifully portrayed humble, heart warming, romantic tale woven with the true story of 17th century astronomer Tycho Brahe; that urges you to dream big and defy the self created boundary of your own stars.

Reasons I loved the story

  • Jepp, a dwarf, is such an unsophisticated character with flaws that cannot be hidden. We can relate because everyone of us is imperfect, with flaws we so badly try to hide. He urges us to embrace that flaw of ours, but not let it define us.                        
  • Everyone is child at heart! Like Jepp. All we crave for is a little smile, words of affection and love. A bit of each is enough for us to be grateful, to be full of gratitude. Despite unintentional but unspeakable cruelty towards him by his prisoner Matheus, Jepp shows his gratitude throughout the journey to Uraniborg, when Matheus shows  simple gesture like providing him hot broth and blankets. The gratitude paid off in the end though the emotions showed earlier were not drenched with expectations. It teaches us the importance of gratitude.                                                                
  • Jepp is portrayed as a victim of his own stars! Without any fault he suffers and the blame goes to the stars. A common human mistake of surrendering to the stars. But Jepp rises above it, holds his dream tight and doesn't let his stars or lines define him. With a bit of encouragement by his love and his own determination, he denies being the victim of the moment.

This story is so true and every bit human. It lets you define your flaws but don't let you be defined by it. It impels you to recognise your demons but not to be shadowed by it. Most of all it encourages you to dream and to work on it; not to be chained to the general perception of who you are but let your good deeds define you.

Happy heart warming reading!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets' Nest - Stieg Larsson

Five stars of mine is reserved for few authors, to whom I am openly biased; but I would be more than happy to give this book a blazing Five.

It's enthralling, amazing, stunning, exceptional......

I started this book in a great hurry and anticipation, to devour the revealing secrets that was left unanswered in book II. And from the start till the very end, I was glued.

Image credit: Google

Cheating death after surviving a bullet in the head, Lisbeth Salander, charged for attempted murder struggles to prove her innocence. Stuck in the hospital room for months, Salander uses her extravagant yet secret computer hacking skills and accepts ever faithful Mikael Blomkvist help to dig in the unethically buried mysteries of the section within the Sapo. Mikael Blomkvist, a celebrated millennium journalist closely encounters death but still helps Salander by using her information's and his intuition to defy all glowering power play of the section to bring her to justice. Advocate Giannini, Blomkvist's sister and a well know face as a defence lawyer for violence against women, helps in the trail representing Salander and the story ends with a high note.

Advocate Giannini is fantastic in the court. Usually the story of lawyers bore me but I was hooked and was applauding after every word she spoke to defend. She was brilliant (who knew a courtroom drama could be so engrossing!). And though i will always wonder why Salander made that dragon tattoo, this book provides a peaceful closure to the trilogy.

The girl who kicked the hornets' nest is a mesmerizing fiction which makes the first two read tolerable. 

You have to read it to believe it.

Happy reading!

PS: Suddenly the sandwich toppings, Billy's pan pizza and the fountain of coffee don't irate me anymore ;)

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Girl Who Played With Fire - Stieg Larsson

Lisbeth Salander, the unlikely protagonist travels the world with the money she bamboozled in part I. When she returns an unexpected twist in situation makes her a suspect of triple murder. Already labelled as a sociopath, Salander is on a run-alone; but her ever faithful  friend Mikael Blomkvist does everything possible in his caliber to help her out. 

The secrets are revealed, the chase gets interesting and then it ends leaving you with no closure.

Image credit: Google

Best parts

  •   My recent favorite "so unlikely" protagonist, Lisbeth Salander's history and the reason of her reclusiveness is unraveled  which will make your heart heavy. The sympathy boils up to the zenith.
  •   No more description of the toppings on the sandwich.                
  • Limited description of the words written on the T-shirt.

Bad parts

  • Too long background; the main story, the murder mystery, the hunt do not start till you read more than one third of the book.    
  •  No wonder majority lose interest so quickly because this book is as misogynist as part I.                                                                
  • Excessive details of certain things like the apartment, furnitures did not add anything to the story. But it does make you desperate to hunt the actual story and speed up your read.

Worst part

As you just start to dive inside the revealed secrets, the unraveling mystery, the revenge.... the book ends! Just like that... leaving you with no choice but to open the "hornets' nest" pronto.


Dragon tattoo had the better detective story than this one. The focus on Salander and her secrets is the only interesting thing in this book that pushed me to pursue it till the end.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo- Stieg Larsson

Generally when i read a recommended book, i have this vague idea about its content; without penetrating through the mystery of course. I knew "the girl with a dragon tattoo" was a thrilling mystery novel set in Sweden with two sequels and is known for its gripping revelations. But i was totally naive about its misogynist content. So the ruthlessness to the female characters and our four legged friends caught me off guard, leaving me wide eyed; wordless.

Had a little trouble getting the grip of the content in the beginning with me questioning repeatedly "what the hell are they talking about?" But as soon as the story focuses to the Vangers in Hedestad, it was apparent i couldn't put it down without thinking what was going to happen next. Sadly the disappointment soon followed with its gross twist of fate.

Image credit: Google
Mikael Blomkvist, a journalist, is sentenced for libel of an industrialist Hans-Erik Wennerstroem. In the mean time Henrik Vanger, a former industrial giant hires Blomkvist to unravel the mysterious disappearance of Harriet Vanger decades ago by promising him evidence against Wennerström . Lisbeth Salander, an outlandish hacker comes into picture. Both Blomkvist and Salander work in synchrony with the help of digits written in Harriet's diary and hunt of old photographs to solve the mystery but instead extricate some disturbing facts.

The girl with a dragon tattoo is a creation with complex, imperfect characters; in war with themselves and others; with a story woven delicately where mystery unwinds in an unexpected way; making you raise your eyebrows every now and then till the very end. I was also fascinated by the so unlikely protagonist Lisbeth Salander. She is everything you don't expect your hero to be yet her wit leaves you amazed. Her reclusiveness attracts you to find out more about her (one of the reason i turned the pages of this book).

But again too many things happening (though not related or interwined stories), too descriptive (he ate TWO sandwiches with the described toppings.. seriously!!! and who wants to know what's written on the T-shirt every time -- it added nothing to the plot and at times get annoying). The computer and financial descriptions were balderdash for me and went over my head (It forms the basis of the story but turns out i am not good with these stuffs). And is it only me or anyone else wondered about such dysfunctional family- its painful.

Not a bad read cause the detective thing, the chase, the run; everything about solving the mystery is complex, beautiful; keeping you on your toes. The pages move swiftly but i wish i knew the original Swedish name of the novel is "Men who hates women". I would have thought twice before turning the pages.

Of course i am not gonna leave the triology incomplete but i need to read something different before continuing Stieg Larsson's creations. I still believe the original Swedish version is amazing.. something got lost in translation. Happy reading!!!

Monday, October 20, 2014


The feeling constricting the throat,
Image credit: Google
 threatening to hug the wind pipe tight

Memories  whirl-pooling, creating havoc ,
the oblivion seems so distant, out of sight

Image credit: Google

Echos enchanting the skull vault making the sense change direction; which seemed not right

Detest harbored to the extreme... zenith!
Every action leading to an insufferable fight

Image credit: Google
And yet optimism flickered like a far away friend
who can make you smile though they are not by your side

Faith hung on devouring the senseless echos
and silence prevailed making the soul light

Image credit: Google

Hope  erupted and took control of the situation;
chronic sanguine prepped up to win the lost height

Echos rampaging the skull vault fell silent
in the presence of the  enthusiasm and encouraging light

Image credit: Google

The feeling hugging the wind pipe dissolved
raising a heart- strong and ready to fight!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Let's write!

Let's write!!!
Image credit: Google

Can't believe i haven't posted after 2011. Last 3 years been a whirlpool of potpourri, exhausting my mind and soul. The consequence being lost in the cyclone of thoughts but having no time to post or express. Finally my MD's over (results awaited though: fingers crossed). So i am back serving randomness-crisp style for laughter, fun and bucket full of smiles. Though thoughtfulness is required at times, who can be serious 24/7. So lets talk random, laugh  and inspire each other.
