Monday, March 23, 2015

Computer vision syndrome - An article with random occurrings and mood swings!

Had a fun yet tiring, weekend-occupying eye camp followed by a hectic Sunday at work so decided to take a day off on Monday.

(J.K ROWLING WAS HERE IN MY TOWN THAT TIME, BUT I MISSED HER COZ I WAS BUSY WITH EYE CAMP OUTSIDE VALLEY! I think i will regret this decision at some point of my life.)

My sleepy eyes and rusted body was screaming for rest. But when you become a part of an institute where you were a student once, you never get time for yourself. Probably this is what growing up is; work 24-7 with no time for your mental peace. I am not liking it though. Even on my leave-day, i was called at home, in between my precious sleep to write an article for a yearly magazine that my hospital publishes every year. I was suppose to write it in plain english without including medical terminologies so general people can get the message. So admist the painful joints and gnawing headaches, i compiled a ridiculously simple yet useful article on computer vision syndrome. Hope you like it.


Computer Vision Syndrome

Computers, mobiles, tablets are not luxuries anymore but a ‘new essential’ in our life. We use it daily; either for work or for fun. Net surfing and being in touch with friends and families through social media is currently a life style of this tech savvy generation. And majority of us who use these technology have experienced symptoms like strained eyes, headaches, neck aches, backaches, blurred vision, difficulty in changing focus between near and far objects, sensitivity to light and burning sensation of eyes at one time or another.

What are these symptoms called?

Its called computer vision syndrome - a common affliction of eyes for using excessive technology while trying to catch up with this digital age.

Will i suffer from this condition?

If you use computers for more than 3-4 hours then it can happen to you as well. No age is safe. Anyone can have computer vision syndrome.

Any remedies?

Of course! Though temporary these symptoms can be a nuisance at work but they can be prevented and reduced by following few easy rules.
  A)  Don’t forget to blink : Normally human blinks around 15 times per minute. But studies show that while reading or gazing an object with great attentiveness, it can decrease up to 3 times per minute. So don't forget to blink because blinking redistributes your tear film over your eyes and help reduce the eye strain and symptoms of dry eye like burning sensation.

  B)  Where is your screen : Distance between the screen and your eyes should be around 20-28 inches and it should be 4-6 inches below your eye level. Make sure the downward viewing angle is greater than 60 degrees.

  C)  Your posture matters : Your head and neck should be upright in line with your torso. Not tilted or bent. Keep your mouse aligned with the keyboard and try to maintain a straight non-fidgety posture. Your upper arms should be perpendicular to the floor and your forearm ninety degrees to your upper arm. Similarly your thighs should be parallel to the floor and your legs perpendicular to the floor. Rest your hands and wrist properly.

  D)  Right light : Good light means less eye strain. Don’t use bright overhead light or light in front or light behind you. Rather opt for a side light and position your screen in such a way that reflections are reduced. Glare filter for your computer screen is an alternative.

  E)  What are you looking at : Make sure the size of the letters of your computer document is easily visible and manage the brightness and contrast. Using gradient color in parts of your text improves your reading ability. Clear document means less stress to your eyes.

  F)  20-20-20 Rule : Every 20 minutes of computer use, rest your eyes for 20 seconds by looking at objects more than 20 feet away. And after 2 hours of continuous use, rest your eyes for 15 minutes.

  G) Get your eyes checked : In case of vision problems, focusing problems and eye movement co-ordination problems none of the above rules help until and unless they are taken care of. So visit your doctor.

Be vigilant, take care of your eyes because prevention is always better.

(Well Rowling said - It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. So probably i was doing the best thing for myself - living an adventurous and satisfying life. Next time J.K, I ll surely meet you :) 

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