Saturday, February 21, 2015


Years ago when i was young (but definitely not stupid), during a five minutes break of my chaotic 
Otorhinolaryngology practical class, a dear friend of mine asked me out of nowhere - What do you want in life - the most? Without much ado or thought i babbled - happiness of course. My friend piped another unexpected question- what's happiness for you? And i was dumbstruck. Such a simple question and i was in short of answer (Granger effect wearing off!!! ).

                                                                               © Panacea 2015

Million of thoughts crashed my mind - a smile from a stranger, giggles, the sound of laughter, the soothing breeze, the sound of the rain and the scent of earth afterwards, dancing in the rain, music, perfumes, colors, a shoulder to cry on, a cup of piping hot tea on a cold day, surprises, a field full of flowers, rainbow after a beautiful shower, bright shining stars in the indigo sky, shooting stars, the first ray of morning sun hitting my face, a library, chocolate cake, staring at the flying falcon and its royal tune, a deep gratitude filled satisfaction... million of things. 

It was impossible to pinpoint happiness..... or was it? Simple minute things, happening around all the time, needing a bit of thought and appreciation; probably that was happiness for me at that brink of time... I think or that was what i thought. But i really don't know. Things changes, perspective changes and the minute things start to lose their meaning. Materialistic matters, judgmental attitude and ego takes over and the definition is renewed over and over. 

I still don't know! Probably happiness is a five minute coffee break in your hectic schedule or a happenstance meeting with a long lost friend or a music by your favorite singer blaring out loud from your radio or finding a penny in your portion of Christmas pudding. May be its a pursuit; a journey to transform yourself to something better or otherwise. 

Ernest Hemingway said - Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.


Albert Camus thinks - You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. 

Its confusing; controversial even.... 

Queen Rowling said - Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one remembers to turn on the light. 

But at this moment, either  my switch box is broken or my light bulb is burnt out, i don't know. But i am not giving up on my quest. Nope not that easily.

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